The Wellness Collective
The Gut Friendly Food: Resistant Starches
Resistant starches are are carbohydrates such as potatoes, cornstarch, green bananas, etc that resist digestion in the small intestine and reach the large intestine intact, bringing with them many health benefits!
Caffeine and recovery
When we've been doing the same thing repetitively for a prolonged period of time, we don't know any different, so it is hard to say what is helping or hurting us. If you haven't done so already, consider reading my other blog posts on sleep here. I bring this up because it's rare that we consider how our morning routine will set us up for night time, oftentimes we're thinking of it in the reverse.
How to upgrade your sleep (Part I)
I had to say it; it's very clearly the elephant in the room and the exact thing NOBODY wants to talk about. The sad truth is that we're so used to living life in the fast lane that we can't even quantify our stress appropriately. Newsflash: your body knows no difference between being stuck in traffic on the interstate, trying to meet a big deadline, or being chased by a bear; it is ALL the same reaction. So, the next time somebody asks you your stress level, consider whether or not you have a bear on your back.
Do you drink enough water?
And by the way, the questions wasn’t “do you think you drink enough water?” I say that because I’m pretty sure that’s how everybody answers it. Then, when I ask them how much is “enough” and explain to them what truly is “enough” their jaw drops.
How to upgrade your sleep (Part II)
I had to say it; it's very clearly the elephant in the room and the exact thing NOBODY wants to talk about. The sad truth is that we're so used to living life in the fast lane that we can't even quantify our stress appropriately. Newsflash: your body knows no difference between being stuck in traffic on the interstate, trying to meet a big deadline, or being chased by a bear; it is ALL the same reaction. So, the next time somebody asks you your stress level, consider whether or not you have a bear on your back.
How to upgrade your sleep (Part I)
Truly, without sleep, we are just: without...
As a naturopathic doctor, it is my job to understand why something is happening; why somebody is experiencing the symptoms that he or she does, rather than place a bandaid on every manifestation I see, otherwise known as a "symptom." That's right: issues with sleep are a symptom of another concern. Although everybody's needs are individual and unique, I can speak to and give suggestions on what I commonly see walk into my office.
Sleep: the ins, the outs and the ups
Most people don’t come into my office with their primary concern being sleep. It’s usually fatigue, digestive upset, hormonal dysfunction, you name it. But then when I prod closer, inquiring about their sleep, the remarks are nothing short of, “oh, terrible,” “awful.” And they’re all very matter-of-fact, to my surprise. I would think people would be more hung up on their sleep patterns, but it ranks lower on their priority list in comparison to the other things.