What seeds are helpful during your luteal phase? 

  • Sunflower seeds 

  • Sesame seeds 

  • 2tbs of ground seeds daily 

 Sunflower seeds are high in nutrients like vitamin E and selenium. Both of these nutrients help to boost progesterone production at a time where progesterone is dominant. Selenium aids in the liver detoxing excess estrogen. 

The lignans and zinc in sesame seeds are great at aiding the liver in detox of estrogen and blocking estrogen activity.  

What else can you prioritize during the luteal phase? 

1g of evening primrose oil (EPO). EPO is high in omega 6 fatty acids, specifically gamma linolenic acid or GLA that is helpful at reducing prostaglandins in the body. Prostaglandins are inflammatory molecules and are often the cause of symptoms like period pain. Supplementation with EPO has been shown to reduce period cramps, acne, and PMS. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6718646/ 

Some research has shown EPO can also increase low progesterone levels. 

While you’re ovulating, you may find you feel best when you’re doing your highest intensity workouts, running, and cycling. You have your highest energy during ovulation, you’re feeling confident, outgoing, and like your sexiest self. This is like your Summer. 

Gentle exercises during the rest of your luteal phase can be best, like yoga, pilates, light cardio, strength training. Towards the end of your cycle, you may be noticing your energy is coming down a bit. You may notice your experience to your luteal phase resembles Fall Months. 

How can you incorporate these seeds into your diet? How can you start to incorporate these seeds into your diet? There are many ways to enjoy these seeds in your diet!

Here are some of my favorites: 

  • Chia seed water 

  • Toppings on yogurt 

  • In homemade granola 

  • Enjoy in smoothies 

  • Tahini salad dressing (sesame seeds) 

  • Sunflower seed dressing 

  • Frozen banana bark (recipe coming soon!) 

  • Sesame seed bars 

  • Seed cycling balls 

 If you’re sick of having to call out of work every time you get you’re period, it may be time to work with a natural health provider. At Soleil, we work with women everyday to help them overcome the most troubling period symptoms! 

Seed cycling can help you get to a better cycle and if you’re looking for extra support, book a free discovery call with one of our providers to see how we can help you get to symptom-free periods faster! 

Alyssa DeSena, ND

Growing up she always struggled with digestive issues and pain with her period that got gradually worse. Naturopathic medicine allowed her to reach the root cause instead of covering up symptoms with medications or just ignoring them. Her passion for hormone and digestive health came from personal history of struggles and hearing stories of many women experiencing the same problems she encountered.


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Supporting the cycle part 1