What are the different phases of your cycle? And what hormones are dominant during the different times?  

 The follicular phase is the first part of your cycle, from menstruation to ovulation. At the beginning, follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) signals eggs to mature in each ovary. These eggs are in what is called a follicle, and this follicle starts to produce estrogen. Estrogen is dominant during the first phase of your cycle and this will help to increase the thickness of the uterine lining to help prepare for implantation of a fertilized egg.    

High levels of estrogen start to signal luteinizing hormone (LH) and this allows the egg to leave the ovary. When the egg leaves the follicle and ovary, this is called ovulation. 

During the luteal phase, your egg moves through the fallopian tubes. And in the ovary, the ruptured follicle is now being transformed into the corpus luteum and starts secreting progesterone until about day 26 or 27 where levels will drop if that egg wasn’t fertilized at the time of ovulation. This drop in hormones signals your menstrual cycle. 

Seed cycling is a way to help support optimal hormone balance by prioritizing different seeds throughout the month based on where you are in your cycle. These are seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. These seeds contain specific nutrients that can be helpful at supporting the natural rise of specific hormones and enhancing the detox of other hormones.  

What seeds are helpful during your follicular phase?  

You should aim for 2 tablespoons of ground seeds per day of one of the following: 

  1. Flax seeds: these are phytoestrogenic which means they can bind to estrogen and it’s receptors that are on cells in the body to signal estrogen activity.  

  2. Pumpkin Seeds: high in zinc and fats that help to reduce inflammation in the body and support the body’s production of estrogen.  

  3. Chia seeds: these particular seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants to help reduce inflammation.  

At this point in your cycle, estrogen is on the rise and works to build up your endometrial lining. Your endometrial lining will allow space for an egg to implant if you become pregnant, otherwise this lining is what sheds during your period.  

What else can you prioritize during the follicular phase?  

You can consider fish oils, about 1-2g daily. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids that help to decrease inflammation and support the balance of hormones.   

During menstruation it can be helpful to prioritize gentle exercises like stretching, yoga, walking or resting. Your body is shedding more during this time of the month, which takes up a lot of energy. This is a time where you can prioritize yourself and hibernate similar to the Winter Time.  

After menstruation, it can be helpful to prioritize high intensity workouts like HIIT, running, and weight lifting. You can think of your follicular phase like Spring Time where you may notice higher energy and more productivity.    

We’ll continue the conversation in part 2 - be on the look out! 

Alyssa DeSena, ND

Growing up she always struggled with digestive issues and pain with her period that got gradually worse. Naturopathic medicine allowed her to reach the root cause instead of covering up symptoms with medications or just ignoring them. Her passion for hormone and digestive health came from personal history of struggles and hearing stories of many women experiencing the same problems she encountered.


Supporting the cycle part 2


Unlocking the Power of Medical Thermography